If the plan includes a large urban area and public lands, it’s important to gain agency cooperation, so all departments and agencies will be operating with common goals. Gain input from managers and staff of public works, planning, parks departments, school districts, public utilities, and managers of green infrastructure such as flood control districts, land conservancies and resource conservation districts. Stakeholders may include concerned citizens, large private landholders, and green industry professionals, such as arborists, commercial growers, landscape contractors, and engineering professionals.
- A
- Adaptive Management
- ANSI A300 Standards
- Arborist
- B
- Benefits of Trees in the Urban Forest
- Biological Control
- C
- Canopy
- Climate Action Plans
- Coordinator
- D
- Deciduous
- Decline
- Defensible Space
- E
- Ecosystem services
- Ecosystems
- Evergreen
- G
- Girdling
- Green Infrastructure
- H
- Heritage Trees
- I
- Invasive Species
- iTreeTools.org
- L
- Large Area UFMP
- M
- Mature Tree
- N
- Native Species
- S
- Scope
- Small-Area (Site-Level) UFMP
- Soil Survey
- Species Diversity
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Stakeholders
- Survey Writing Information
- Sustainability
- U
- Urban Forest
- Urban Forest Management Plan
- Urban Forestry